39 Hunter Street prior to demolition:
Hall & Co.
In 1915 the Perpetual Trustee Company Limited commissioned the leading architectural practice of Robertson and Marks to design its new head-office in Sydney.
Their solution was both inspired and understated. With its flowing Parisian-style mansard roof capping the restrained stonework façade, the style is characterized as Beaux-Art. And fittingly, the building was beautified with such adornments as decorative metalwork and soaring, freestanding columns.
39 Hunter Street is today the only World War One period building of its kind to survive in Hunter Street. This makes it as rare as it is stunning.
It is hardly surprising then, that as well as being recognised as a significant 20th century Sydney building by the Royal Australian Institute of Architects, 39 Hunter Street is also listed on both the State Heritage Register and the Register of The National Trust of Australia.
Historical images of the site may be viewed in the Gallery.